Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the most common questions regarding RTN QR Pay. If your question is not addressed here, please contact us!

What is a QR code payment?

A "Quick Response" code, often known as a QR code, is a sort of two-dimensional barcode that can be scanned using a smartphone camera or 2D barcode scanner. Information sharing and mobile internet payments are both possible with QR codes. As soon as a customer scans a merchant's QR code, they are directed to a website or QR code payment app where they may enter their credit card information or pay using a mobile wallet like Apple Pay to finish their transaction online. Scanning a customer's QR code allows businesses to complete QR code transactions.

What are the advantages of a QR code?

It keeps a lot of information. In addition to paper, it can also be scanned from a screen. Even if a portion of the code is broken, it can still be read. Information can be encrypted, making it safer.

How do QR code payments work?

Barcodes and QR codes both functions similarly. The distinctive black and white pattern indicates data that a smartphone can read, just like a barcode scanner can read the name and price of an item at the checkout counter of a grocery store. The amount and recipient of the payment are communicated to the RTN QR Pay app when your consumer scans the QR code with the app.

How do I make a QR code payment?

After the items have been rung up at the register, choose "RTN QR Pay" as the payment option. Your customer can use their RTN QR Pay app to scan the QR code that appears on their screen in order to make a payment. A confirmation will then show up on your screen after they approve the transaction on their phone.

Are QR codes safe?

The RTN QR Pay app generates QR codes that are completely safe and do not include any sensitive information.

Are QR codes free?

To create and provide a customer a QR code is free, however there is a transaction fee for each successful RTN QR Pay. For any transactions you carry out using your RTN QR Pay Reader or Terminal, this price is the same flat rate as the fees associated with processing card transactions.

What is the difference between a static and dynamic QR code?

You may track data with a dynamic QR code and modify your content at any time to fresh content in the same category, saving you time and money on printing. With a static QR, the user can access your embedded data directly, such as URL and text are trackable, but data cannot be done so, and you cannot change your URL. Dynamic QR codes are more helpful for marketing since you can track the following important scan statistics: the quantity of scans, the time the user scanned, the location of the scan (city or country), and the user's device kind (iPhone/Android).

How to get your invoice?

Enter all of your information, including name, address, VAT number, and other pertinent data, in the billing section by selecting "My Account" in the upper right-hand corner of this page.

What is Customer Loyalty?

Customers who are loyal choose the goods and services of a certain company over those of its rivals on a regular basis. Those Purchase decisions are unaffected by availability or pricing. They prefer to spend more and wait longer to receive the same high-quality service and goods that they are accustomed to and value.

Programs that reward repeat business are quite effective at keeping customers. The likelihood of selling to an existing customer is actually 50–75%, but the likelihood of selling to a fresh prospect is between 5% and 20%. Customer loyalty programmes can help your business expand in the current, fiercely competitive industry, where customers are eager to switch brands when they experience any kind of inconvenience.